Fully Understand the Part 107 Regulations
I know that regulations can seem tedious and boring. This bundle teaches you about the regulations in easy to understand language so that you can study efficiently and pass your Part 107 test sooner.
Become an Airspace Expert
Airspace and sectionals are overwhelming, especially without an aviation background. This bundle teaches breaks down the airspace and helps you to more easily recognize it on a sectional chart for the test.
Know Where Drones Fit In
Airports, runway orientation, radio frequencies and latitude & longitude. You may wonder why some of these topics even matter to you. This bundle provides context to these concepts by helping you understand where drones fit into the National Airspace System.
Understand Complex Weather Concepts and Aviation Weather Tools
The handbook in this bundle breaks down the weather concepts that the FAA wants you to know and teaches you how to de-code seemingly complicated METARs and TAFs. The good new is that you will be a pro when you're finished.
Understanding Your Piloting Skills and Pilot Decision Making
Because you will be flying drones in the National Airspace, the FAA wants to make sure you have a good head on your shoulders, understand the basics of how your drone works, and can make smart decisions when things get stressful. This section covers these key concepts so that you are a smart and responsible commercial drone pilot.
Maximize your Studying Efforts with our Full Length and Graded Practice Tests
No one wants to go in to their Part 107 exam without an idea of how well they've learned the material. This bundle allows you to finish off your studying efforts with two full length (60 questions each) and graded practice tests. Importantly, these practice tests will show you exactly where your knowledge is lacking so you can brush up on the concepts you still need to learn.
Get My Very Best Test Taking Tips
I think people sometimes overlook the importance of understanding the best way to take a test. So, I put together a short video that helps you use your Part 107 knowledge in a way that is the most effective. Use my test taking tips to blow through the Part 107 with ease.